Company Culture.
Personal growth & team alignment are vital elements for sustainable business development. The level of success is innately connected to the health of the people running the business; the human beings that form the team.
How to create a work environment that is productive, feels human and is an upwards spiral for everyone? Start with conscious communication as the baseline of the your venture.
As a consultant Nathalie comes into the organisation to support the general Energy Flow. All issues in any structures can be seen as processes. Either communication runs smooth or it blocks. Through observation and insight into the internal communication we establish where the challenges are and navigate towards clearance of these, through:
Team alignment coaching
Communication sessions
Build the foundation for your Company Culture
(Re)structure roles within the team

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before we could even come close to make a statement for the other person.
Stepping out of one's comfort zone is a proven phenomenon to stimulate innovation and out of the box thinking. With Conscious Communication one steps in an experimental, sensational and interactive form of dialogue that connects, moves and engages everyone involved in magical ways.
The implementation of Conscious Communication is a multidimensional process that involves the whole team. With personal development journeys and group communication training; the energy flow within the organisation optimises.